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Hyper Thunder Run 198X
Platform: IOS , Android
Status: Shipped
Engine: Unity
Source Control: Plastic SCM
My Roles: Programmer, Associate Producer
HTR 198X is a 3D endless runner for tablet devices. Players play as a 1980's like hero to attack robot enemies and run through an apocalyptic city. Players are challenged to endure a world full of enemies and traps.
HTR 198X was developed by a team of students from MassDiGI Summer Innovation Program (SIP) and continued by my team as part of Becker College “Live Studio” class.

Google Play: Currently disable due to out of date build
My Contributions:
• Juiced up coin collection system and game UI scripts
• Managed IOS release for April 2018 on Itunes Connect using Xcode
• Implement high quality art assets into engine and main scene
• Lead 5 programmers as associate producer to direct tasks and code quality
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