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Leap A Head
Platform: IOS , Android
Status: Shipped
Engine: Unity
Source Control: Plastic SCM
My Roles: Features & Systems Programmer
Leap A Head is an 2D arcade puzzle-platformer game for tablet devices. Players play as a snake character to jump from one platform to another and reach the main gemstone of the level. Players are challenged to have some patience and be precise in finding an optimal path to complete each level in the game.
Leap A Head was developed by a team of students from MassDiGI Summer Innovation Program (SIP) and continued by my team as part of Becker College “Live Studio” academic course.
My Contributions:
  • Build weekly to IOS to Itunes Connect & maintained Beta testers
  • Program the bonus level mechanic to improve game retention
  • Use unity asset tools to make juicy and polished UI
  • Worked on Level Design tool for level creation and debugging 
  • Programmed multi-directional screen wrapping
Leap A Head was showcased on various events like Learning at the Hub STEAM Fair, Worcester Woo Game Pile, and Boston Festival of Indie Games 2017.
Screen Wrap System
Leap A Head was missing some serious game play at the time. Me and the lead designer came up with the idea of a screen wrap system where the player can go off screen and teleport to the other side of the screen. I was in charge of coding and developing the system and eventually implementing the screen wrap system in 8 levels. Since the system used ray cast I also coded trigger boxes on each side of the screen to receive the ray cast, so the player can teleport to that hit point.
Screen Wrap Demo
Here you can see screen wrapping in action. When the player jumps the system shoots a ray cast towards the rear of the player. If the player would touch the fog on any of the edges on the screen the player will teleport to where the ray cast's hit point was.
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